The American Way

Whether you’ve sold cookies and earned merit badges or not, there is no denying the impact of the Boy and Girl Scouts on the American Way. Enterprising girls clad in green, and boys with bright… More

Everyday is Earth Day at Sahalee Off Grid

Hooray!! The day has finally come for our earth to be celebrated by people around the world! Phew!! I was getting a little worried there… The other 364 days pass by and our little blue… More

Passion for a Purpose

From off-gridders and preppers to refugees and disaster survivors, there are millions of people on the planet who are trying to get by with just the basics. We’ve come to discover that the things we… More

Shoppers Guide

This blog serves many purposes–First and foremost it is a great opportunity for Carey and I to reflect on our journey–see how far we have come and learn lessons both positive and negative from what… More