
Understanding that the constructs of the yurt are quite simple, you may quickly jump to think about the most basic of needs – How to go about the shit, shower, and shave routine.

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Why a yurt?

One of the questions people often ask is why we chose to live in a yurt.

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The check is in the mail

Well we finally did it!! We decided to go with the Super Ger Yurt from Groovy Yurts, it will be delivered in June.  We have an amazing amount of work ahead.  Time to start liquidating the vast majority of our possessions from this materialistic life that we have grown accustomed to, it was great while it lasted but it’s time to get back in touch with our true selves!!  We need to start working on plans for our deck that the Yurt will go on.  Then we need to build the platform that will go under the Yurt on the deck.  Other things that need to be done include getting the plans ready to build an outhouse, find a good stove that we can use to stay warm, figure out how we will have internet connectivity as our workplace is being awesome and giving us the opportunity to work remotely, plus many more things that I am sure will pop up as this transition continues to take shape!!  Feel free to leave your suggestions, thoughts and advice below!!